World Premiere of Rightist Mushrooms (2019) in Kulturpalast Dresden by AuditivVokal (Nov. 9, 2019)
Kingyo Obsession (2017)
for four voices or choir (SATB)
Commissioned by Soundstreams (Canada)
ca. 5 min.
Interviews, Talks, and Press
Interviews, Talks, and Press
Interviews, Talks, and Press
composer | sound artist
big mosquito
big mosquito (2017)
[A] for Bass Clarinet and Double Bass
[B] for Bass Clarinet and Organ
Composed for Université d'Altitude (France)
ca. 6 min.
Awards and Honors
27th International Review of Composers Call for Scores (Belgrade, Serbia)
Program Note
One night, while in residency at an art village in upstate New York, I concluded my compositions, switched off the lights in my room, and snuggled into bed. Suddenly, I heard an unfamiliar low-frequency noise - something like a machine - permeating the air. Switching on the light, I was shocked to see the shadow of an outer-space monster cast upon my room's wall. Startled, I glanced upward to witness the largest mosquito I had ever encountered in my life, buzzing overhead.
Despite being in deep forest, the tightly shut windows and firmly sealed door should have prevented any insect intrusion. I am afraid of killing insects, so I attempted to usher the creature out of the room for hours, but to no avail. Exhausted, I resigned myself to bed, only to be plagued by the unsettling sound of fluttering wings drawing nearer then farther, and nearer again. Sleep eluded me, replaced by mild nightmares haunting my restless night. Upon awakening, the big mosquito had vanished, however leaving behind a sizable red swelling on my right ear - the only part inadvertently exposed from my blanket.
On Composition
big mosquito was inspired by a harrowing encounter I had one night with the largest mosquito I had ever seen in my life, while in residence at Yaddo. Following that unforgettable night of terror, I remained at Yaddo for approximately two more weeks, during which I concluded this composition. At that time, the deadline was looming closer for a new work I had to compose for a composition workshop in France that I had already signed up for. The experience was a blessing in disguise and provided the catalyst for this composition. Typically, it takes me several months to finalize a piece of work, yet, I was astonished by the speed with which I completed this piece.
As a footnote, I recall departing Yaddo and boarding a long-distance train to my next destination with the mosquito bite scars on my ear - still red, swollen, and persistently itchy, serving as a lingering reminder of the encounter with the big mosquito.
Past Performances
July 15, 2017 (World Premiere)
Université d'Altitude
Espace Jean Grinda, Saint-Martin-Vésubie, France
Ensemble Multilatérale: Alain Billard (B. Cl.), Nicolas Crosse (Cb.)
August 6, 2017 (Japan Premiere)
OTO-Asobi 2017: Tokyo Concert
NextSunday Asagaya
Tsubasa Kaneda (B. Cl.), Rion Kidokoro (Cb.)
January 13, 2018 (US Premiere)
Beyond: Microtonal Music Festival and Symposium
University of Pittsburgh Frick Fine Arts Auditorium, Pittsburgh, PA
Emily Cook (B. Cl.), Ryan McMasters (Cb.)
August 3, 2018
Mita Hall, Osaka, Japan
Iván Solano (B. Cl.), Rintaro Kojima (Cb.)
October 7, 2018 (Serbia Premiere)
27th International Review of Composers
Composers' Association of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Predrag Nedeljković (B. Cl.), Goran Kostić (Cb.)
June 13, 2023
Église Sainte-Aurélie, Strasbourg, France
Iván Solano (B. Cl.), Jean-Luc Iffrig (Organ)