World Premiere of Rightist Mushrooms (2019) in Kulturpalast Dresden by AuditivVokal (Nov. 9, 2019)
Kingyo Obsession (2017)
for four voices or choir (SATB)
Commissioned by Soundstreams (Canada)
ca. 5 min.
Interviews, Talks, and Press
Interviews, Talks, and Press
Interviews, Talks, and Press
composer | sound artist
Ebi Revolution
Ebi Revolution (2022)
for violin, cello, and shrimp helmets
Commissioned by CROSSROADS International Composition Festival (Austria)
ca. 8 min.
Program Note
No matter how freely humans can contemplate, they remain confined within the boundaries of their own heads. While I can extend invitations for others to enter my thoughts, the essence of "I" cannot transcend the confines of my own skulls to achieve independence. As it stands, "I" stands as the sole certainty of existence. The realization of this fact often induces nausea, occasionally prompting an irresistible impulse to escape the confines of my own head. At times, "I" expands to the brink of detachment, yet inevitably fails to sever from its origin. All I perceive is the awkward projection of "I" protruding from the top of my head, flailing its arms and legs. Perhaps "I" have pushed myself to my limits, and "I" feel like I am put in boiling water.
On Composition
Ebi Revolution is a manifestation of "Kinetically Enhanced Music", integrating mechanical components to augment the instrument or player's capabilities. This composition employs two key elements: a three-dimensional shrimp headwear and a lung-powered hose pump. The shrimps were designed and feature motors engineered by American sound artist Cameron Fraser, synchronized with the performer's pedal triggers to choreograph limb movements at precise intervals throughout the piece. Furthermore, the lung-powered hose pump involves inserting one end of the hose into a large pot of water, and inserting opposite end of the hose into the performer's mouth. As the performer exhales into the hose, air generates bubbling sounds within the pot of water. Presently, the headwear is housed in Vienna, Austria, and Los Angeles, California, and for subsequent performances, it will be dispatched to performers from either location. Additionally, performance guidelines detail the construction of the shrimp headwear, offering performers the option to create their own if mailing proves impractical.
※ This piece may be performed only with one performer (violin or cello) with the shrimp helmet and pedal. In that case, the work is to be performed titled Tempura Revolution.
Past Performances
November 26, 2022 (World Premiere)
CROSSROADS International Composition Festival
Universität Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria
Sophia Goidinger-Koch (Vn.), Barbara Riccabona (Vc.)
December 17, 2022 (US premiere)
Amplitude & Cycles ~New York Premieres~
Tenri Cultural Institute NYC, New York City, NY, USA
Josh Henderson (Vn.), Ju-Young Lee (Vc.)
July 8, 2023
Klutursommer Wien 2023: Overload
Kongreßpark, Vienna, Austria
Sophia Goidinger-Koch (Vn.), Barbara Riccabona (Vc.)
October 6, 2024
EDME New Music Festival
First Christian Church, Eugene, OR, USA
Ellen LaMora (Vn.) and Adrian Cervantes (Vc.)
January 11, 2025
MusicMAP presents Eugene Difficult Music Ensemble
Emmaus Lutheran Church, Eugene, OR, USA
Ellen LaMora (Vn.) and Adrian Cervantes (Vc.)
January 25, 2025
EDME New Music for Kids
Adventure! Children's Museum, Eugene, OR, USA
Ellen LaMora (Vn.) and Adrian Cervantes (Vc.)