World Premiere of Rightist Mushrooms (2019) in Kulturpalast Dresden by AuditivVokal (Nov. 9, 2019)
Kingyo Obsession (2017)
for four voices or choir (SATB)
Commissioned by Soundstreams (Canada)
ca. 5 min.
Interviews, Talks, and Press
Interviews, Talks, and Press
Interviews, Talks, and Press
composer | sound artist
List of Publications and Lectures
2024 台湾にいったい何があるというんですか?, 岩波書店「図書」(Japanese)
2024 Sunny with a Chance of Beetle, Style&Idea (Japanese/English)
2023 Critiquing the Unfamiliar: Cultural Sensitivity and Music Appreciation, Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt (English)
2023 Talking Darmstadt: Chaya Czernowin on Heart Chamber, Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt (English)
2022 SEED 2021: バーチャル作曲アカデミーを終えて, 雅楽だより第68号 (Japanese/English)
2022 On Culture and Music - A Discourse with Helmut Lachenmann, Con-Cul Journal (English)
2021 The Post-Composition World: Listening to Shiota Chiharu's Works, Con-Cul Journal (English/Japanese)
2021 現代音楽の中の笙:西洋か東洋か, 雅楽だより第65号, 4~6頁 (Japanese)
2021 現代音楽の中の笙:アカデミアから見た日本楽器, 雅楽だより第64号, 3~5頁 (Japanese)
2020 現代音楽の中の笙:自由即興とエキゾチックな表現, 雅楽だより第63号, 5-7頁 (Japanese)
2020 現代音楽の中の笙:「文化の盗用」を考える, 雅楽だより第62号, 1-4頁 (Japanese)
2020 現代音楽の中の笙:音響分析と創作, 雅楽だより第61号, 9-10頁 (Japanese)
2020 現代音楽の中の笙:笙と西洋五線譜, 雅楽だより第60号, 7-8頁 (Japanese)
2019 外国人が和楽器を学ぶための教習方法に対する考察(共著)/洗足論叢第47号 (Japanese)
2017 現代音楽の中の笙, 雅楽だより第49号, 3~4頁 (Japanese)
2024 東洋音楽史「西洋芸術音楽における多文化の響き」
Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, Kawasaki, Japan (November 2024)
2024 作曲家として海外で住むということ
Odawara Junior College, Odawara, Japan (September 2024)
2024 「中國哲學、腦科學與醫學的交會」學術工作坊
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (June 2024)
2024 西洋芸術音楽の中の非・西洋的表現
Kyoto Women's University, Kyoto, Japan (May 2024)
2024 Liberating Time and Space: Chatori Shimizu
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan (March 2024)
2023 聲音、空間與時間的個性
Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan (December 2023)
2023 西洋芸術音楽というコンテクストにおいて作曲された和楽器作品について
Kyoto Women's University, Kyoto, Japan (May 2023)
2023 Chatori Shimizu: Sound, Space, and Time Identities
Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Sydney, Australia (March 2023)
2023 Lecture at Kamikawa High School
Kamikawa High School, Kamikawa-cho, Hokkaido, Japan (March 2023)
2022 Living as a Composer in Germany
Odawara Junior College, Odawara, Japan (September 2022)
2022 Exploring Time Identities in Music
UC San Diego, San Diego, CA (August 2022)
2021 Chatori Shimizu: Composer in Germany
Odawara Junior College, Odawara, Japan (December 2021)
2021 Time Identity of Languages
SEED 2021: Virtual Composition Academy (May 2021)
2021 A Brief Look on Cultural Appropriation
SEED 2021: Virtual Composition Academy (May 2021)
2021 University of the Pacific presents Composer Chatori Shimizu
University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA (April 2021)
2021 The Notation and Time Identity of Shō
CUNY Brooklyn College, New York, NY (March 2021)
2020 Is Freedom of Expression Important in the Arts?
Mudita Saturday Talk (August 2021)
2019 Introduction to Shō: Notation and Extended Techniques
CUNY Baruch College, New York, NY (December 2019)
2019 Introduction to Shō: Notation and Extended Techniques
Conservatoire de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France (July 2019)
2019 The Etchings Festival: Seminar on Shō
The Etchings Festival, Auvillar, France (July 2019)
2019 20世紀の音楽
Otsuma Womens University, Tokyo, Japan (July 2019)
2019 清水チャートリー作曲作品解説
Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, Kawasaki, Japan (July 2019)
2019 Conference performative de Chatori Shimizu et Iván Solano
Le Conservatoire de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France (June 2019)
2019 Introduction to Shō: Notation and Extended Techniques
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (March 2019)
2019 Introduction to Shō: Notation and Extended Techniques
CUNY Baruch College, New York, NY (March 2019)
2019 Introduction to Shō: Notation and Extended Techniques
The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY (March 2019)
2018 20世紀の音楽
Otsuma Womens University, Tokyo, Japan (December 2018)
2018 Introduction to Shō: Notation and Extended Techniques
CUNY Baruch College, New York, NY (October 2018)
2018 Shō in the Context of Contemporary Music: Lachenmann
Manhattan Schol of Music, New York, NY (April 2018)
2018 Introduction to Shō: Notation and Extended Techniques
The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY (April 2018)
2018 Merging Boundaries of Genres
Columbia University, New York, NY (April 2018)
2018 Introduction to Shō: Notation and Extended Techniques
CUNY Baruch College, New York, NY (April 2018)
2017 Hyperobjects
Chronus Arts Center, Shanghai, China (August 2017)
2017 Introduction to Multimedia Arts: Max/MSP Workshop
Xiamen University, China (August 2017)
2017 現代音楽の中の笙
Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, Kawasaki, Japan (July 2017)
2017 Seminar in Asian Music
Shobi College of Music, Tokyo, Japan (July 2017)
2017 Shō in the Context of Contemporary Music: Lachenmann
Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY (April 2017)
2017 Composer Workshop Meeting,: Composing for Shō
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA (March 2017)
2016 De Japón A Puerto Rico
Conservatorio de Música de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico (May 2016)
2016 Notating Shō: Guide to Composition and Analysis
Manhattan School of Music, New York, NY (January 2016)
2016 Graduate Studio II/Graduate Studio IV
Columbia University, New York, NY (January to April 2016)
2015 Seminar in Asian Music
Shobi College of Music, Tokyo, Japan (June 2015)
2015 Gagaku Workshop
Tamagawa University, Tokyo, Japan (June 2015)
2015 Composition Seminar
Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo, Japan (June 2015)
2014 音楽人:留学
Shōbi Music College, Tokyo, Japan (June, 2014)
Conference Presentations
2019 "Composing for Shō: Notation and Extended Techniques"
ICTM World Conference 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
2018 "Learning Japanese Traditional Music beyond the Boundaries"
ICTM MEA Conference 2018, Seoul, South Korea
2018 "Shō in Compositions Today"
nief norf Asia Summit 2018, Knoxville, TN, USA